About Us

Passion and competence in sustainable development

Our Clients are as Important as our MissionVisionValues Let’s Make a Change Together

We support our clients by bringing understandable solutions to their sustainability challenges.
We create value by providing trustworthy expert knowledge which expands their business opportunities and their internal capacities.
We make an impact by implementing best practices across organizations.


Our mission is to serve as a bridge between the different areas of the society working to combat Climate Change.

The key enabler in EC&D is our people. Driven by innate curiosity and perfectionism we strive to have the highest level of expertise available in the market.


Our vision is a world where everyone can afford clean and reliable energy, and where energy is used in a responsible manner.

A world where technology, finance and policies work in unison towards a carbon-free society.


The founders are passionate in their work and live the values of transparency and commitment with their clients and with the society.

In EC&D we believe in responsible citizens and responsible business. Sustainability is a win-win approach and we want to help businesses to maximize their potential.

Your Trusted Guide

Energy Consulting & Development is a company born to serve as your trusted guide in Sustainable Development, Energy Efficiency and Climate Finance.

Who We Are

We are a team of professionals in multiple disciplines who believe in a sustained economic development that does not jeopardize the future of the planet and its people.

– We believe in a better future

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Meet Our Team

Built on the rock-solid foundation of 15+ years of experience, we offer a wide range of customized solutions, enabling sustainable business.

Technical, financial and sustainable workplace expertise at your fingertips.

About Our Clients

Our team of experts has worked for a wide range of international clients